English-Japanese & Japanese-English translation

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  • English-Japanese & Japanese-English translation

Experienced translators in many special fields

Our translators are experienced specialists in their respective fields. With more than 40 in-house translators, we can cover almost all technical areas. In addition to our special field of patent translation and legal translation, we also offer specialist translations, technical translations, and business translations.

Japanese-English translation with guaranteed quality

All of our translations are prepared by two linguists. A translator is responsible for the actual translation work and a translation checker reviews the translation and revises it if necessary. All of our translators are highly experienced in Japanese-English translations and we always select the translator who is best qualified for your project. If you would like to check our quality first, we offer free trial translations of up to 500 words. Just contact us using our contact form.


Translators with many years of experience

Each of our translators specializes in a certain field so that we can cover almost all technical and legal fields. Most of our translators have been working in the field of patent translation and legal translation for many years and are therefore able to translate technical concepts and legal terms correctly and accurately at ease.

Special features of the Japanese language

Japanese is spoken by 127 million people worldwide and consists of over 50,000 characters, of which about 3,000 are used in daily life. A combination of Chinese characters (Kanji) and two syllable fonts (Hiragana and Katakana) is used.

The absence of casus, numerus, genus, and articles is characteristic for Japanese grammar. The form of courtesy also varies according to the social status of the speaker and the person addressed. In Japanese, there are several words that correspond to the English "I", which are varied according to gender, age, and social situation.

In order to produce a good Japanese-English translation, broad experience from both cultures is vital. Many of our Japanese native speakers have spent several years abroad and our English native speakers have been living in Japan for several years, which gives us the best basis for both language directions.

Past projects

Here you can find a few examples of translation projects we have already completed.
Type of document Delivery time Language Number of words Notes
Press release 1 day English → Japanese 600
Lease agreement 5 days Japanese → English 5,000
Court decisions 1 day English → Japanese 790
Patent specification 10 days Japanese → English 36,800
(Delivery time depends on the current availability of translators and may vary.)

We offer the following services Japanese-English translations:

If you are interested in a Japanese-English translation please contact us via our contact form.


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